Our Competitions

Since its inception, ALPSA has run a variety of competitions focusing on legal philosophy and jurisprudential issues. These have included intervarsity essays and mooting competitions, judged by panels of distinguished judges and academics.

View the winners for 2022’s Essay Competition below:

We are delighted to announce the winners for the 2022 ALPSA Essay Competition:

In first place is Ashton Darracott.

Second place is shared between Joshua Fukushige and Ally Torcoli.

Congratulations Ashton, Joshua and Ally!

All of the entries this year were of the highest quality and were judged by The Honourable Chief Justice Helen Bowskill, His Honour Judge Nathan Jarro, and Professor Ann Black.

We thank everyone who participated and hope to see your entries again in our future competitions!

If you’d like to read this year’s winning essays, you can find them at the following links:

Is it Possible for a Single Jurisdiction to Effectively Enforce Two Different Systems of Law? by Ashton Darracott

A Normative Understanding to Legal Pluralism by Joshua Fukushige

Is it Possible for a Single Jurisdiction to Effectively Enforce Two Different Systems of Law? by Ally Torcoli

Previous Essay Competition Judges have included: Justice Stephen Gageler AC; Justice Patrick Keane AC; Justice Ian Callinan AC QC; Professor Margaret Thornton; Dr Kevin Walton; Dr Tina Popa; Dr Robin Creyke and Dr Peter Billings.

2023 Essay Competition Sponsors: