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Virtual Seminar: the US Impeachment Process (Past)

What is impeachment, where does it come from, and what equivalent processes (if any) do we have in Australia?

Professor Graeme Orr will be answering these questions, as well as exploring the rationale and risks of impeachment in ALPSA's first ever virtual seminar. To do so, Professor Orr will compare the US process with Australia's processes for removing judges from office and explore their common history. The seminar will be followed by a Q & A.

ALPSA will deliver this seminar via Zoom. The seminar will be live, rather than recorded and published online. Make sure to click "going" to give us an indication of how many students will be joining the seminar. We will publish a link to the Zoom conference a week before the seminar.

30 April

Virtual Seminar: the Human Right to a Healthy Environment (Past)